Friday, February 19, 2010

The Path

Where to begin ...

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bix. I live in New York right near Port Authority (the cultural center of New York, for those who didn't know). I am an actor/composer/musician/SAT Tutor/heavy drinker. I recently finished applying to grad schools for MFA Acting programs. Not a terribly productive endeavor, but a good character-building experience, I suppose. I got a few initial callbacks, so I guess that reaffirms that I'm at least a mediocre actor. So THAT's good!

Technically, there's one school left (Brown) that could potentially admit me, but I'm resolved to move on with my life. Assuming Brown doesn't come through, though, I'm planning on applying again next year. However, not getting into drama school has been somewhat of a wake-up call: if I want to make it in this "business we call show," I'm going to have to make it happen myself. I'm going to have to overcome the bad case of complacency I've developed since graduating college and become ... more better.

So that, my friends, is where the aptly named "Bix's Path to Self Improvement" blog comes in.

I guess the main reason I'm creating this blog is for the amusement of my friends so that they can make fun of me for starting a blog on self-improvement. Other than that, I figure it will offer me some motivation to get shit done so I have something to write about at the end of the day. My hope is that I will look back on my old posts down the line and see some progress. Either that, or I'll just get really depressed.

So, at the moment, my goals are (1) to become a better pianist, (2) to write more (both music and words), and (3) to be more proactive about my acting "career." I have a pretty clear idea of how I'm going to accomplish #1. I'm going to practice at least an hour a day (have already started this routine), and I'm aiming to learn every song in the "Casio Celviano Music Library Series" (there are 50 total) by the end of the year. I'll discuss this more in my next post. The other two goals are still a little abstract, so I'll develop those more as this blog continues.

Also, usually these posts will be a bit shorter, since most people don't have time in their day to read through all of this (and, anyway, "brevity is the soul of wit") ... but I figure I get some leeway on my first post. Next post coming soon ...


  1. This is a blog I can get behind following! Very cool!

  2. I'm in. Any plans to install a webcam in your apartment?

  3. Why, Bix, Why? I leave the apartment for two days and you start a blog? What do you think our friends at the Port Authority are going to say about this? I'm not entirely sure I can continue living with you, unless, of course, the mood of your blog is "ironic."
